What DEF to pick for your backline is always the question this season. In a season that we barely see any team can consistently receive CS, picking a good DEF trio will be your season changer. Here is our thread for the best trio to pick for GW33.

GABRIEL – Best DEF asset in FPL

Gabriel won’t give you too many Wow-factor but clearly the best DEF asset.

The Brazilian center-back is playing one of the best seasons in his career. His phenomenal performances were involved in Arsenal’s insane defending result since the start of 2024. He received the outstanding 7 CS in the last 11 matches, that is 63% CS rate – feel unreal for a season like this!

Talking about Gabriel, it’s not just about regular CS points. Gabriel is the main aerial target in every set-piece and also is able to manage a various passing range. 4 goal involvement, including 3 goals is one of the highest numbers for a defender this season. Also, if budget is a problem, Gabriel is the cheapest nailed-on Arsenal DEF.

BEN WHITE – Highest scoring DEF in the game

Ben White is the highest scoring FPL DEF.

Another asset from the red army of London! Arsenal is looking absolutely stunning with their defense while Ben White is the most attacking defender from The Gunner with 2 goals and 5 assists. No surprise he’s the highest scoring DEF this season.

On the other hand, the only concern of buying White to your squad is his price. To be honest, 6 million for a DEF is kinda expensive if your budget is tight but we can say that he will be worth your money if you are able to manage his price.

VAN HECKE – Most underrated DEF

Van Hecke is the differential and long-term pick for GW33.

Brighton’s DEFs are not the best assets for FPL at the beginning of this season as they are the last team to receive the first CS. Don’t let that out-dated information trick you, BHA’s defense has improved significantly since then. In fact, their 5 CS from the second half of this season is nearly as good as the outstanding Arsenal’s performance (7 CS). Also, you won’t find too many 4.1 million DEF who’s nailed-on and have a DGW37. What a bargain!


DEFGabrielWhiteVan Hecke
Fluency and potentialNailed-on100%100%100%
● DGW34
● Spurs, Chelsea, Utd
● Burnley left, DGW37
● City, Utd, Villa, Newcastle, Chelsea left
Form & abilityForm85%90%60%